Skills for Freelance Technicians project

The Skills for Freelance Technicians (S4FT) project supports the recognition and validation of the skills of freelancers in the event and theater technical field, by developing recognition of the skills in cooperation with employer organizations in the field.

Without an effective model for identifying and recognizing competences, a significant part of the competences of workers in the sector will remain hidden and unused. Effective skills recognition practices support the participation in training and the raising of the education level of employees with a low level of education, as well as a better match between competence and the needs of business life.

The target group of the project are working age people in the field of live performance and theater technology, in particular the self-employed, freelancers and sole proprietors, who have been identified as an underrepresented group in education and training. The second target group of the project is the employers operating in the field, especially events industry companies and organizations that use a lot of freelancers and temporary workers.

The project will carry out pilot projects in cooperation with freelancers, self-employed and sole proprietors, focusing on skills identification, career guidance and future orientation. Based on the experiences gained, the project will develop and implement microcredentials that support the identification of the skills of the freelancers, provide opportunities for continuous learning, and support employment.

For more information, please contact:

Essi Santala
Project Manager
+358 50 3080 648

Kiika Sarpola
Project Coordinator
+358 50 3415 203